15 January Special day in India

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15 January Special Day in India is observed as Indian Army Day

Every year 15 January is observed as Indian Army Day because on this day in 1949 field Marshal Kodandera M Cariappa took over as the first Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Army from General Sir Francis Butcher, the last British Commander-in-Chief.

What Special day is today in India

Check out below about Today in History India 15 January or 15 January Special day in India. Looking for information about any special day is today in India? If yes, check out below. On this Special day today 15 January in Indian history, falls the birthdays and death anniversaries of various well-known people of India. You would also find out about events that happened that make it to the list of today special day in India.

What is Special day today – 15 January Special day in India

1559, 15th January: Queen Elizabeth I crowned Queen of England at Westminster Abbey.

1761, 15th January: Third Battle of Panipat ended.

1784, 15th January: Establishment of the Asiatic Society of Bengal.

1861, 15th January: Elisha G. Otis, the inventor, received the world’s first patent for a safe lift.

1889, 15th January: The Pemberton Medicine Company started in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. This company is currently known as The Coca Cola Company.

1934, 15th January: A massive earthquake in Bihar killed about 20 thousand people.

1949, 15th January: K. M. Cariappa became the first Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Army. Since then, 15 January celebrates as Army Day.

1965, 15th January: Establishment of Food Corporation of India.

1970, 15th January: Muammar Gaddafi proclaimed the premier of Libya.

1973, 15th January: General Gopal Gurunath Bevur became the 9th Chief of Army Staff of India. He is the first Maharashtrian to become Army Chief.

1988, 15th January: Former India bowler Narendra Hirwani took 16 wickets in his first Test match against West Indies.

1996, 15th January: The Boribunder (Victoria Terminus) station renamed Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus (CST).

2001, 15th January: Wikipedia, a free encyclopedia, became available on the Internet for the first time.

15 January in Indian History – Famous Birthdays & Birth Anniversaries

1888: Saifuddin Kitchen, an Indian freedom fighter, barrister, politician, and later a leader of the peace movement.

1926: Khashaba Jadhav, an Indian wrestler.

1929: Martin Luther King Jr., an American Christian minister and activist who became the most visible spokesperson and leader in the civil rights movement

1934: V. S. Ramadevi, an Indian civil servant who was the 13th Governor of Karnataka and 9th Chief Election Commissioner of India.

1956: Mayawati, an Indian politician.

1967: Bhanupriya, an Indian film actress, Kuchipudi dancer, and voice artist.

1973: Suparno Satpathy, a socio-political leader from the state of Odisha in India.

1981: Pitbull, an American rapper.

1984: Benjamin Shapiro, an American conservative political commentator, media host, and attorney.  

15 January in Indian History – Death Anniversaries of famous people

1916: Dinanath Dalal, an Indian painter, and illustrator.

1919: Rosa Luxemburg, a Polish Marxist, philosopher, economist, anti-war activist, and revolutionary socialist.

1994: Harilal Upadhyay, a Gujarati novelist, and poet.

1996: Mohsin Naqvi, a Pakistani poet.

1998: Gulzarilal Nanda, an Indian politician, economist, and the second Prime Minister of India.

2007: James Hillier, a Canadian-American scientist and inventor, and co-designer of the first successful high-resolution electron microscope.

2012: Homai Vyarawalla, India’s first woman photojournalist.

2014: Namdeo Dhasal, a Marathi poet, writer, and Dalit activist from Maharashtra, India. 

In the above article, you can easily find answers to what is something that happened on this day in history or why is today Special day in India. Are Looking for information about today any special day? If yes, check out above article about “What is today special day”. On this Special day today in Indian history, falls the birthdays and death anniversaries of various well-known people of India. You would also find out about events that happened that make it to the list of What is today special day in India or What is today special day in world.

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